
Matthew 11: 2-11

In this third week of Advent we continue in our series Get Ready and consider Jesus' words in Matthew. Come to me...and I will give you rest.


Advent Week 3 -Theme: Obedience

Art by Deborah Martin and Karl Sorensen

Pen, Felt, Acrylic, Benadine Antiseptic on Paper

Title: It’s A Fluid Situation: A Collaboration

It seemed fitting this was a work/joy of collaboration. Our Trinitarian God Himself invites us into the process of our redemption and inclusion into His Kingdom. The call of, “Prepare the way of the Lord. Make straight His Paths”, is a choice and honour He gives us, and yet He instigates, and completes it. It’s a mysterious dance, as is the Trinity interacting within Itself. The Art A contemplation of the mystery of the maze of being human, and the dance of the Trinity inviting us to invite Him in. Time shifts abound with the eternal invitation starting with the prophet Isaiah’s messianic imagery, to John the Baptist’s inauguration of Jesus’s ministry, to present day, now us as individuals/the church. Prepare the Way of the Lord. Make straight His paths.

Fun Fact Inspired by Holly’s ingenious use of the candle as her sole medium for her gorgeous art themed, Light, there is also experimentation in this weeks art. Benadine antiseptic, used in surgery and to heal flesh wounds was used.